Bucha Buddha’s Raspberry Mint Kombucha Mojito Recipe

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Bring on summer with this raspberry mint kombucha mojito mocktail. It’s a fruity, refreshing, and versatile drink that is great for a crowd. Create this recipe in under 20 minutes with just a few fresh ingredients. 

Adding kombucha to this virgin mojito adds plenty of health benefits and a depth of flavor that is slightly sweet and tart. Once you’ve tried this recipe, you’ll likely want to add kombucha to all of your cocktails.


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Raspberry Mint Kombucha Mojito

  • Total Time:
    15 minutes

  • Yield:
    2 Servings 1x


This raspberry mint kombucha mojito is low-sugar and versatile. Make this recipe with any fresh berry for a sweet, zingy mocktail.



  • 2 teaspoons maple syrup, divided
  • Juice of one lime, divided
  • 1 teaspoon of grated ginger, divided
  • 78 mint leaves, plus more for garnish
  • 1/2 cup fresh raspberries, plus more for garnish
  • 1 cup ice cubes
  • 1 cup black tea kombucha
  • 2 lime wedges or lime slices (for garnish)


  1. Muddle 1 teaspoon of maple syrup, half the lime juice, 1/2 teaspoon of ginger, and half the mint in the bottom of each serving glass.
  2. Mash the raspberries in a small bowl, releasing their juices.
  3. Place the raspberries into a mesh strainer. Push the berries against the mesh, capturing their juice in a small bowl.
  4. Divide the juice between the serving glasses.
  5. Add 1/2 cup of ice to each glass.
  6. Fill each glass with 1/2 cup of kombucha.
  7. Garnish with a lime wedge, 1-2 mint leaves, and 2-3 raspberries.
  8. Serve.


If you don’t have maple syrup, substitute 3 teaspoons of cane sugar.

Make it boozy- add a shot of white rum into each glass in step 6.

Add 1/4 cup sparkling water with the kombucha in step 6 for even more fizz.

Black tea kombucha tastes best here, but you can also use white tea or green tea kombucha.

If you don’t have a muddler, use the back of a wooden spoon or a mortar and pestle to muddle the ingredients in step 1.

  • Prep Time: 5 minutes
  • Cook Time: 10 minutes

What Does a Raspberry Mint Kombucha Mojito Taste Like?

A raspberry mint kombucha mojito brings the taste of summer to your home. It’s light, refreshing, and slightly fizzy. The fresh lime juice brings tartness that pairs beautifully with sweet fresh fruit. Fresh mint leaves and ginger add spicy freshness that brings this mocktail together.

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Does a Raspberry Mint Kombucha Mojito Have Any Health Benefits?

Kombucha has many health benefits. It contains probiotics that help your gut stay healthy. Probiotics live inside your gut and help balance good and bad bacteria. When you have more good bacteria, you stay healthier. Kombucha also has antioxidants that help protect your cells. It’s a good source of vitamin B, which helps red blood cells and can help improve your mood. Kombucha is gluten-free and dairy-free.


  • Can help lower cholesterol. They are a great source of fiber, which also helps maintain lower blood sugar and blood pressure.
  • Help your heart stay healthy. Raspberries are a good source of potassium, which helps lower blood pressure. They also contain omega-3 fatty acids, which help prevent heart disease.
  • Help regulate blood sugar because they contain manganese, which also helps promote healthy teeth and skin.

Lime juice is high in vitamin C. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps create blood vessels, muscles, and collagen in your body. Vitamin C also helps support your immune system by helping your body heal. Lime juice also contains antioxidants.

Ginger is a spice that helps increase serotonin and dopamine. Higher levels of these chemicals have been shown to increase your mood. Ginger also helps reduce inflammation and can help soothe nausea.

Mint leaves are high in manganese, iron, and potassium, which help support healthy brain function. Mint leaves help to relieve indigestion and help freshen your breath.

How Much Caffeine Is In Raspberry Mint Kombucha Mojito?

A raspberry mint kombucha mojito has approximately 7 mg of caffeine per serving if you use black tea kombucha. If you make your kombucha mojito with green or white tea, your mocktail will have around 3 mg of caffeine per serving.

The SCOBY consumes most of the caffeine in the tea used to make kombucha during fermentation. The amount of caffeine in each batch of kombucha varies depending on how long that batch has fermented.

How Many Calories Are In a Raspberry Mint Kombucha Mojito?

There are about 36 calories in a raspberry mint kombucha mojito. Most of the calories come from the kombucha and the raspberries. Herbs and spices are naturally very low in calories or even calorie-free.

If you turn this kombucha mojito into a cocktail with a shot of rum, you’ll add about 80 calories to your drink.

3 Creative Variations of This Recipe

Mix up this kombucha mojito with one of the variations below:

  • Instead of raspberries, use any berry—strawberries or blackberries make excellent substitutes.
  • Add fresh herbs. Use a few leaves of rosemary or basil instead of mint.
  • Replace the lime juice and wedges with lemon juice and wedges.

Should You Make This Recipe with Young, Sweet Kombucha or Older, Sour Kombucha?

Make this recipe with young, sweet kombucha. The natural sugars in young kombucha will help bring out the natural sweetness in the raspberries. They’ll also help balance the tartness of the lime juice and ginger.

Use older, sour kombucha as a strong starter tea for your next batch of kombucha.

Sarah Pearce

Sarah first tried kombucha in 2015 and she was hooked. Her favorite flavor is ginger, but cranberry comes in a close second. She made her own for many years and loved experimenting with fruit flavors.

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